A little bit of history

Preserving Fort Missoula
The Northern Rockies Heritage Center (NRHC) was established as a 501(c)3 nonprofit corporation in 1993 to preserve part of the remaining historic property at Fort Missoula, a former military post originally located on two hundred eighty acres of secluded valley floor bordering the Bitterroot River in western Montana.
Owned and operated by the U. S. Army since 1877, the facility was closed in 1994, under the Base Realignment and Closure Act (BRAC). The U. S. Congress authorized NRHC to administer sixteen acres and fourteen structures on the property for historical, cultural or educational purposes. The original NRHC Operations Plan was approved by the Montana State Historic Preservation Office in April 1995. All buildings under NRHC ownership are on the National Register of Historic Places.
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Office and Event Rental
Help & Support
We Need Your Help to Preserve History
The mission of the NRHC is the preservation of the heritage and the integrity of historic Fort Missoula. The Directors of NRHC have pursued this mission through adaptive re-use of the buildings on our campus, repair with historic preservation in mind, and awareness of the needs of the community. The Board of Directors and Staff of NRHC recognize the uniqueness of this historical resource and desire to bring together many fields of study in developing the Center. We have an interest in connecting history, geology, and geography through studies in aspects of military science, the Native American presence, how extra-active industries affected the growth of the West, agriculture versus urbanization, immigration, transportation, local culture and other topics of interest.